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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  September 4, 2017 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> molly: a warning coming late this afternoon between president trump at his national security team. that in response to north korea's test of a hydrogen bomb. we have team coverage with jennifer griffin at the pentagon. first, richardson is live from the white house. >> good evening. president trump was meeting this afternoon with his national security team to discuss another milestone in north korea's
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weapons development. they been warning north korea that all options on the table. this afternoon the president was ask as he is walking across the white house at st. john's church if he plans on taking the military option. >> mr. president, will you attack north korea? >> the president saying there, we'll see to the question will you attack north korea. meanwhile, the diplomacy continues. rex tillerson calling his south korean counterpart read the white house as president trump spoke with the japanese prime minister, according to the white house readout it says president trump reaffirmed the commitment of the united states to defend our homeland, territories and allies with a full range of diplomatic, conventional and nuclear abilities at our disposal. tomorrow there's an emergency meeting of the united nations critic council scheduled for 10:00 a.m.
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russia and china signed on to last month's sanctions and while both governments condemned north korea's luke nuclear test, neither government allows willing to have additional sections. if so they can pressure north korea with sanctions outside appearing earlier this morning treasury secretary into to the u.s. is considering that option. >> i'm going to draft a sanctions practiced package to send to the president for strong consideration. anybody wants to do trade or business with them would be prevented from doing trade or business with us. will work with our allies, with china, but people need to cut off north korea economically. this is unacceptable behavior. >> late last month the treasury department forced penalties against several firms for doing business with north korea. that's not and they can take along with trying to more sanctions.
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>> molly: must go to national security council jennifer griffin. >> molly: south korea's national security council just announced that in the wake of north korea's nuclear test, the f-15 bombers and medium range missiles practiced at on this morning striking north korea's nuclear facility. after three our national security meeting defense secretary, jim mattis was chosen to deliver the message. >> we have many military options in the president wanted to be briefed on each one. and a threat to the united states or its territories including guam, or our allies will be met with a massive military response. response both effective and overwhelming. >> the kind of war plans the u.s. has drafted for north korea would not require large buildup of military assets. most are already in place.
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the united states the most of its advance warplanes about mitchell's thursday with ally south korea at the end of ten days of semiannual wargames. it was the first time that be one the bombers were joined by a 35 jets loss from japan. the use of b-1 bombers which can drop 168500-pound bombs were chosen as a clear warning after north korea launched a minute range missile over japan earlier the week. it did not deter them from carrying out a test sunday believed to be five times bigger than the bombed the u.s. dropped on nagasaki. she presidential security advisor say they had discussed with u.s. will be morning nuclear capable assets to the peninsula. we decided to discussed appointment was powerful, strategic assets of the u.s. military that enable us to neutralize north korea's mutual facilities and missiles and show or strike capabilities.
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some of the pet military plans may not be something you see. they could involve cyber strikes. they could also take place underground at the complex were north korea houses its intercontinental ballistic missile components. the problem is, once the u.s. crosses that 38th parallel, north korea could launch 800 rockets in just four minutes. >> molly: and we have troops in that region. we'll be checking back with you later in the show. i'm joined by california congressman, brad sherman. the ranking member on the subcommittee on asia. thank you for being here tonight. i want to start by talking about the president and vice president of the meeting with their team in the words of from secretary of defense, mattis. he said were not looking for total annihilation of the country but as i said we had many options to do so.
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what are the many military options? in your view her we getting closer to taking some sort of military action? >> i sure hope not. all of our military options are very bad. they either involve a symbolic attack to which north korea might not respond, or they involve a serious attack in which would we see hundreds of thousands at a minimum of civilian casualties. we ought to be looking at economic sanctions, but not the company by company sanctions the president is talking about, but rather country sanctions. unless were willing to do that we ought to accept them as a nuclear state and that makes a much more dangerous world. >> let's talk about the finances. the chairman issued a statement today and said the administration should swiftly utilize authorities provided by congress to deny kim jong-un and
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the cash needed. what can congress do? you have a lot on your plate. what could get done? >> i think we would pass additional sanctions if the president asked us. but he already has the authority to turn to china and say either you do business with north korea or the united states, but not both. that would mean were going to eyeball to eyeball with beijing. he would have to be able to unite the american people, something he hasn't been able to do. the best way to pacify the american people is to sound tough and just sanction a few individual companies. that won't make a safer. >> molly: steve mnuchin was doing an interview with chris wallace and he talked about drafting a sanctions package should be sending to the president. anyone who wants to do trade or business with them would be prevented from doing trade or business with us.
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there's a lot of space between sanctioning additional banks in china and say no tray. what is your view? to come down on businesses in china and russia or something tougher and broader? >> if we just go under individual companies, maybe the five largest banks want to business but the six will are the 26 or the 26 will mississippi eight her to do so. we may make it more expensive for north korea to do business, but we won't force the regime to change its behavior. if are going to turn to china and threaten higher tariffs on their goods we are going to need to unite as a country and the president will have to put aside his petty distractions and unite us as a people and turn to wall street and say don't tell us this is going to hurt your
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profits. was likely as will protect american politicians by sounding tough and not doing much. >> what about the international community. you and nikki haley has called this slated for tomorrow morning, is that the way to get something done and something accomplishment comes to north korea? >> it's a way to symbolically tell the north koreans they don't have support anywhere in the world as long as the sanctions were modest you could probably get china and russia to support them. but, if are going to actually do something about this, it will require us to prevent all trade between china and north korea, at least put it forward as a prospect. if we can't do that then will have to future decades were north korea could hit american cities with missiles or by smuggling weapons into the
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united states which is not that difficult. marijuana dealers are smuggling things into the united states all the time. >> molly: when you talk about further sanctions there still talk about illicit trades, to other countries that might want them like iran. does that make that situation more likely or more dangerous? >> you're not going to be able to isolate north korea 100%. if you could isolate them 70% you would cause them to negotiate a nuclear disarmament, but rather a limitation on their nuclear program and inspections of everything they're doing. the freezing of their development of further nuclear weapons. in return for american concessions. american politicians don't want to make. the fact is we might have to scale back our joint exercises with south korea.
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we might have to officially the chinese that under no circumstances will americans military be north of the 38th parallel. >> molly: thank you for your take on things. next, an insider's take on this. i'll talk with a former cia deputy chief for korea. will hear his insig
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>> molly: the united states talking tough before creates night after hydrogen bomb test. north korea's most powerful nuclear test today. with me now, ruth who is a senior research fellow at the heritage foundation and deputy for korea. you have a unique experience for this part of the world, what are
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your thoughts on this recent most powerful test? >> it's early a breakthrough for north korea. they claim to have tested a hydrogen bomb your go. the most that they had not achieve that, it was an atomic weapon on steroids. even though they are breaking about this, they actually have what they claim to have had. >> molly: were looking at a aside shot in state media would have us believe that he was looking at inspecting this icbm. and seen as a rather swift advancement in recent years. why are we seeing so much action and more successes on the part of this regime and their weapons program where us before we've seen failures? >> we need to distinguish between missiles deployed and those in development. muscles deployed when they been launching them there exercising the war plan that kim jong-un it
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into place when he went into power. those have a high success rate. those in development, similar to the failures the u.s. had, the ones in development have failures until now they've been achieving far greater successes. in the last two years they've had breakthroughs in their submarine launched missiles, two different intermediate range missiles and then a successful two for two icbm test in july. and now a thermonuclear or hydrogen bomb. >> is believed to be the most powerful, there was a test in september of 2016. they thought the yield there was ten to 20 kilotons. this is more powerful. when we look at pictures kim jong-un is smiling and looking at some of the warheads and he's
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-- so often he's been talked about someone who is irrational. >> molly: many people said he was crazy like his father. he's a brutal, awful dictator, but is not crazy, nor was his father. we did studies on the father when i was in the government. many people have advocated a preventative attack reaven the we don't feel they're about to attack us we need to start a war to prevent a war based on the idea that he's crazy and he may wake up someday push the button. when i say despite him not being crazy how would you respond if we were to attack first most would say he knows he can't stand up to the might of the u.s. military, so there seems to be a logical disconnect to those advocating starting a war. >> molly: james madison strong words today he said anything threat to the u.s.'s territory,
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guam are allies will be met with a massive military response. is now the time for military action? are we on the cusp of military action? >> molly: secretary menaces comments very strong and resolute, but clearly in the context to a response to a north korean rate attack. that's consistent with other administration policies. that is different from wire without we were a few months ago with the president's comments and comments by national security advisor which seem to be suggesting a preventative attack and then officials were walking back those comments. although comments every strong, they're in response to a north korean attack. >> molly: a lot of pieces are here.
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>> molly: coming up, and for the north korea wasted on possible sanctions and military options. and then the largest wildfire in los angeles history. a state of emergency declare. a state of emergency declare.
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comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than at&t. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ >> molly: defense secretarywarny threat to u.s. allies will be met with a massive military response. so, what happens now? join me tonight for the foundation of defense. we seem many actions in your be what happens now?
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>> we don't want to panic. we need to have a plan a.m. plan b and c. freight years during the obama administration the strategy was called strategic patience. and meant that we cross our fingers and hope things got better. the current administration understands we can't continue to kick this problem down the road. so the next thing we'll see is the use of economic weapons that we have utilized so far starting with serious sanctions any companies and banks and individuals that do business with north korea. if they want to do that they can't but then they can't do business with the u.s. they need to begin to put pressure on china. a strategic approach demands that we persuade china that north korea is not an asset but rather liability. they don't think that yet but they might be getting closer.
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>> digging on the financial aspect of this, steve mnuchin was here and he talked about drafting a sanctions package. the president tweeted saying the united states is considering stopping all trade with any country doing business with north korea. that puts china in the crosshairs of that strategy. is that realistic? >> it you start with the companies and the banks and make it clear to china that we cannot to business as usual while north korea, 90% of its economy depends on china while they're threatening us in making the world more dangerous. while there bobby missiles over japan and threatening the u.s. mainland. there are things that you can do to make china understand this will be a problem for them. japan could be a nuclear power itself, china don't want said to be its case. we can do more with missile defense in the region and we should have been doing more the past eight years. we have the technology, to make
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sure missile fired anywhere in the world cannot had its target. that doesn't cut off every means of delivering a nuclear weapon. the regime has slave laborers, thousands in various countries around the world. we should be talking to those countries that you send those labors back you're not doing business with the u.s. we can put more pressure than we have one north korea, the chinese. if that fails then will need more extreme steps. mr. mattis talked about that. looking at the military options and i hope the pentagon is being creative. >> the president has talked about china and taking a route through china. he also tweeted about south korea saying south korea is finding that their talk of appeasement with north korea will not work. the only understand one thing.
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what is that one thing the president is talking about and why go after south korea now? there literally the ones may crosshairs in this? >> i think the case he's making is the one thing kim jong-un in the regime understand but certainly this young dictator understands his force and power. nothing else. he believes the south koreans have been too eager to see if they can't cut a deal. deals have been cut with the north koreans many times starting in 94 which president clinton said which stop north korea from ever getting nuclear weapons at but that failed. and others have failed after that trying to reason with the young dictator. i think what president trump is saying is we have to show him that we have power and were not afraid to use it and he should not push us too far. >> this administration has said all options on the table. thank you for joining us.
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>> molly: live coverage of the growing standoff is back in a moment. less, live to the flood zone. new story
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>> molly: this is the fox report. if the bottom of the hour. if you joining us, defense secretary mattis threatening an overwhelming response after north korea claims to have tested a hydrogen bomb. with me now is director john marx. thank you for joining us. to start things off we've seen advancements at a north korean the weapons program in the last two years. this would talk about sanctions and going after the chinese banks or perhaps doing something far greater like halting trade. can any of those actions keep up with the speed in which the weapons program in north korea
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seems to be moving forward? >> there is emphasis on that route and more sanctions, but if you look at the state of the north korean program and the development, were looking at a pace and scope that's quite startling. when you look at the measures that are on the table the concern is that north korea has done the development of securing supplies and inventory for the nuclear missile development. those measures might be too late. it's not that they would be ineffective it's the timing in comparison to where they're at with their programming. >> molly: how much is united states and international community willing to see as far as advancements go out of north korea? >> molly: were answering a psychological space here. the united states has experience of deterring a containing other states. but in the history of international relations is unprecedented of a country over
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20 million led by a singular leader to have this capability. this notion of living with a nuclear north korea run by an individual, that's the part where having this discussion of how we deal with it. >> molly: presence in the past have been confounded by this issue. the clinton, obama, and bush administration, what can the trump administration do that has not already been tried? the president trump is a more unconventional leader. could we see something different coming out of the trump administration? >> what we are seeing is anticipated by north korea. the area that is the next step is more robust ballistic missile defense systems in the region. the idea of them being so close of needing a nuclear warhead, that's part of their strategic game plan.
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so, were at the situation where the immediate step will be bolstering these defense capabilities. >> we know that that missile defense system has been deployed there. we've been having various working groups in the japanese and south koreans. there has been a show for set everybody seems to be getting ready and prepared, are our allies prepared as well? >> ballistic missile defense capabilities have been in many areas for a while. but with the defense, you need to practice and have the capabilities to respond quickly. an area where there needs to be more work and north koreans have the capability of launching simultaneous missiles. it's an area where it will be a priority focus. there will be work ahead as we
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well. >> molly: an important topic. thank you for joining us on this holiday weekend. >> coming up, the latest on the largest fire in los angeles history. evacuations in a state of emergency declared. plus, cleanup continues with hurricane harvey and a look ahead at the next storm ba you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again.
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>> molly: hundreds of people ine homes, forced to escape as a monster inferno described as the largest in los angeles history. california governor jerry brown has declared a state of emergency allowing for state federal assistance to be provided to los angeles county residents. let's go to anita who's in los angeles with the latest. >> hello. he records are being shattered up and down the coast. a string of fires is forcing people from their homes. southern california just north of downtown, the lou tuna fire grew to 5900 acres. causing evacuations in burbank and glendale. more than a thousand firefighters are battling the place on the ground and in the air with air tankers and water dropping helicopters. so far only three homes have
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been lost. >> i thought they had it under control, and then my neighbor said is coming. we looked in the ridges on fire. >> you could feel the heat from this and the smoke that i could see was probably about half a mile away. we could feel how intense the flames were. >> the goal is to protect lives and property. our priority is to put our firefighters in a position to protect property. fire is burning up to a rich line and there's no property there will let it burn. >> further north, and the pacific northwest a lack of rain combined with high temperatures set the scene for wildfires in oregon. large plumes of smoke forced the closure of several over the weekend and a hundred 50 hikers were trapped by the fire and stranded overnight.
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temperatures in the triple digits by places that are cool this time a year. on september 1 the mercury went up hitting a 106 degrees yesterday shattering the old record. the first break from the he could come over the next few days when temperatures are supposed to cool down. as for the fight in l.a. officials say they don't know the cause of the blaze. they're confident they will make major progress of the next few days and hopefully the evacuees will be able to back home. back to. >> molly: as texas continues to clean up hurricane irma could bring problems in the coming days. we'll get the latest on that in a moment. first let's go to texas he is in west houston outside of the mandatory evacuation zone.
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>> the waters and going away, it's going down about an intraday in some places. they continue to controlled releases from the reservoirs. they're afraid these dams built in the 1940s could give way. this is beltway eight, main commercial artery. the main road that goes around the city. it is 12 feet underwater. the ceiling is 16 feet it's almost hitting that. this will be an incredible mess were communities for the next two weeks. we've heard about damaged houses but there could be a million cars destroyed by this one. a lot underwater, probably several off to my right. the flooding continues in houston neighborhoods. we been seen people pull out what they can, they take their valuables on small boats or rafts or pull stuff out of the house like dry wood to try to salvage what they can. and mandatory evacuated neighborhoods there's concern
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about looting. you can see signs in front where there's not please cars posted. warning, looters will be shot. now back to. >> there are folks there defending their property. let's go to rick who is in texas. >> there are small signs of progress here in beaumont, including the water starting to receive on the north end. there's still too much of it. vehicles buried in homes still waterlogged in churches here, pine street, the one issue they're dealing with his difficulty with running water because the treatment facility was flooded. the mayor said they were able to temporarily fix the problem with plastic pipes and an auxiliary pump system to reroute the water. many homes have it but it's not safe to drink.
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i'll boil order is in effect. they're hoping in the next week or two there'll be safe water for residents. also there is a lack of power. some 7000 homes were still in the dark in the power company will restore power to most of those homes except the one surrounded by water or where equipment is rendered by water. the other issue is a lack of drinkable water and food that's being passed out with bags of ice at distribution points across the city. three we visited today residents were lining up to get a case of water and mras. they were passing them out, roughly 6000 of them in one day. the folks we talked to seem to be handling this well. >> this is the first time and i hope that while going through this. i know they said guys are trying
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to get things done. it's just enough to take a warm bath. but were texas strong. we got this. >> it's rough. yes it is. water. >> it's been a chore but will survive and get through this. we are texas strong. >> a number of roads remained in passable in beaumont. the police a national guard are doing double duty. >> molly: thank you for sharing their stories. now let's go to meteorologist adam klotz in that weather center is the latest on harvey and the look ahead on what's in store from irma. >> molly: irma is going to be huge. beginning with harvey folks of the northeast now pushing into
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portions of maine, very heavy downpour. this is the remnants of harvey. folks in new york city woke up and had rain continued to fall. it's moving to the north and east. eventually leaving the region. that's what this rain is, clearing for a lot of folks for the labor day holiday. the next system were paid attention to hurricane just copies at 113 miles per hour. the category three storm. he continues to strengthen. moving at 40 miles per hour here will be the motion of this, will be strengthening as it moves. jumping from a three to a category four hurricane before much longer. currently, this is the kind of uncertainty. it could track anywhere within the company will take over san juan, puerto rico or further north. this is taking you into friday.
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as a friday were looking at this over the island of puerto rico. it means were long ways off. there's still time for this to shift to the north and south worried that something we will watch. we don't even have a forecast that takes us that far, at least not with the national weather service forecasts. going from the category three and category four you get to the end of this on friday and then where will it turn? it could continue straight into florida at the southeast, it could also catch upper level winds. that's looking less likely but a possibility that nobody even sees irma. as it has this direction you get darker colors, temperatures in the mid- 80s and upper '80s. as you get closer to this temperatures will be in the '90s and that will pick up steam. perhaps a category five level,
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very busy and active storm season. the peak of the season is september 12. things are just beginning to pick up. we will run september through october. that's when sandy was come october. this is the storm were talking about. another storm forming off the coast of africa as we speak. we are really getting into this i will be busy for the next several weeks. >> molly: i've a feeling you will be very busy. i'm hoping irma heads out to see. coming up, more on north korea's coming up, more on north korea's
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>> for the latest on northkorean let's go to national security correspondent jennifer griffith griffin. what are some of the u.s. military options? >> the u.s. has many military options. very few are clean options. senior advisor, steve bannon said as much in his exit interview before leaving the white house. the risk of misconduct places great and unintended consequences given the kim's regimes nature and the fact that north korea already has an estimated 10 - 20 plutonium -based warheads. by 2020, north korea could have between 20 - 100 nuclear warheads. none of the threats coming from the white house have deterred kim jong-un in from carrying out missile tests since january. this was the most important national security issue that obama told trump he would have
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to deal with as they drove from the white house to the capitol hill. some u.s. military plans may not be something you see. they could involve cyber strikes or could take place underground, inside the tunnels of the complex where north korea houses their components, not far from pyongyang. once u.s. crosses the 38th parallel, they could launch 800,000 nuclear weapons in four minutes. >> molly: they like to test these on u.s. holidays - yes, on july 4 you remember they tested for the first type in intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the u.s. few doubted that he would respond to the b1 and f35 wargames they conducted with south korea and japan.
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the message today from pyongyang may have been intended as much for china whose president was hosting a summit with russia, brazil, south africa, and india today. one thing most u.s. officials agree with is that this is no time to start a trade war with south korea. the partner an ally the u.s. needs to counter the north korean threat. >> molly: jennifer, thank you. for more on north korea with me as michael. he is a williams griffith fellow a contemporary asian at the hoover institute and the author of the end of the asian century. joining me on the phone, michael, your thoughts on this was seems to be higher tensions from what secretary mattis talked about, the many military options on the ground, to what steve mnuchin had to chain had to say about cutting off trade. >> molly: i think secretary
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mattis got it half right, the half that's right is that we are now in a situation of having to deter and contain north korea. those are the threats he issued and the threats that pyongyang has to here regularly to know that if it has this capability which it does, cannot use it. that will be the annihilation of the regime. sanctions should not be seen anymore as inducements to get him back to the negotiating table. they should be punitive to weaken the regime. the biggest mistake the administration is making and one they repeated again today is to say that they still look for denuclearization of the korean peninsula. we need to recognize were in a different era now. >> when you say that simply is not going to happen, it's a striking comment to me. so if we put north korea in a box, i say we have no choice but to allow them to keep their
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weapons? meanwhile were watching the program advanced rapidly. >> the weapons program is advancing years ahead of the schedule that many of us thought it would be. the fact is, the have these weapons. twenty-five years of negotiations should have taught us that there's no way that they're going to give this up. this is not 942,005 and if they persist in thinking so it will simply waste former years. now, we've had nuclear weapons for decades, you can have them, the question is do you use them? we've not had see use the nuclear weapons since world war ii. north korea has failed in preventing it from becoming a nuclear weapons capable state. we need to make sure they never use the weapons. >> molly: they talk about the psychological impact that this regime is a leader often viewed as irrational.
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, so, how can he be permitted to keep these weapons when he can essentially shoot them out of the box that somebody is trying to put him in. >> how can we prevent him having them short of war. the only way to get rid of these weapons is to compel him. we can coerce, we can't negotiate what cap). those of all failed. we can only compelled him. but were not willing to do that less he crosses a line. we will need to live to learn with the north korea new. we can pretend that he's not a nuclear power, but the rest of the world understands he is. and whether his rational not, the one thing the north koreans have shown is there clearly rational enough to have survived this long. that doesn't mean they're good actors or will help us, but this is the world will live with now.
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is the world will live with now. >> molly: can we live
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you won't see these folks at the post office. is the world will live with now. >> molly: can we live they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. get a 4 week trial, plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. >> it is monday, september 4th breaking overnight. north korea preparing for another mitchell launch with live fire drills overnight.
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president chun trump considering american options for retaliation. we are live. >> you loop, we shoot. targeting flood victims as houston braces for more flooding. a brand-new threat we are tracking the tropics as hurricane irma admin. >> what they plan to do to close back to the u.s. illegally. "fox and friends" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, everybody. happy labor day. you are watching "fox and friends" on this monday morning. kiwi lewis and the news, heather
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childers. heather: we are laboring on this labor day. thank you for starting your day with us. reports that north korea is getting ready to launch another ballistic missile a day after the rogue regime claimed he tested a hydrogen bomb five or six times more powerful than the one used on your shame that. train to the u.n. security council calling a meeting this morning. benjamin hall life in london with the very latest. good morning. reporter: good morning, todd and heather. it seems as if north korea may be preparing to double down on yesterday's nuclear tests. first of a test yesterday and now signs according to the south korean official that they may be prepared to test an icbm, intercontinental ballistic missile. they conducted their six nuclear test, which they claim a hydrogen bomb claimed to be 10 times more powerfu


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